Nûjiyan Ocalan was buried in Shehba. The youth activist was one of the five activists killed in the Turkish drone attack on 25 December in Kobanê. She came from Afrin, and her family has lived in the canton of Shehba since the Turkish occupation of their city, in 2018.
The coffin was accompanied by thousands of people from the Avrîn hospital to the martyrs’ cemetery in Ehras.
There Menal Şêxo from the Council of Martyrs’ Families gave a speech after a minute's silence in which she expressed her condolences to the relatives and said: "The Turkish occupiers want to break our resistance. The attack on the people of Afrin continues. The international public is complicit in this. We demand justice and the withdrawal of the Turkish occupation forces from Syria."
The certificate of death was then read out and presented to the family of Nûjiyan Ocalan. During the funeral, those present shouted: "The fallen are immortal!"
Targeted attack on the youth movement
Last Saturday's drone attack targeted the revolutionary youth and women's movement in northeast Syria. In addition to Nûjiyan Ocalan, Viyan Kobanê, Rojîn Ehmed Îsa, Mirhef Xelîl Îbrahîm and Welid Mihemmed Menle died. Four other people were injured.