Öcalan: Deeper negotiation process needed - UPDATE

Öcalan: Deeper negotiation process needed - UPDATE

The BDP delegation composed by deputies Pervin Buldan and İdris Baluken have returned from Imralı prison where they met Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan.

BDP parliamentary group deputy chair Pervin Buldan spoke to Sterk TV main news program on Monday evening about today's meeting with Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan in İmralı prison.

Buldan reminded that she paid the visit together with Bingöl deputy İdris Baluken, and that co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş was denied participation in the delegation for today's meeting.

BDP group chair said that Öcalan put emphasis on the importance of the democratic resolution process and the challenges that lie ahead of Turkey today.

Buldan said the Kurdish leader has submitted his proposals about the course of the resolution process in both written and verbal statements.

Mr. Öcalan -Buldan said- voiced his expectation from the government to initiate a deeper negotiation process considering the fragility of the current process.

According to Buldan, the Kurdish leader said the resolution process has witnessed neither an advancement nor the formation of a legal ground for the last one year.

“I have not given up my hope about the process which should however not turn into a disappointment”, Buldan quoted Öcalan as saying and added that the Kurdish leader called for the gathering of a democratic Islamic Congress in Amed in response to the circles betraying Islam such as al-Qaeda and al-Nusra.

The last BDP delegation visited Öcalan on 15 September.