Önder on last meeting with Öcalan
Önder on last meeting with Öcalan
Önder on last meeting with Öcalan
HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) spokesperson on negotiation and solution process and vice president Sırrı Süreyya Önder spoke to ANF about the details of the 12th meeting with Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan on Saturday. Önder was accompanied by BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) Parliamentary Group president Pervin Buldan and BDP deputy İdris Baluken.
According to Önder, the Kurdish leader said he had met the state delegation on Friday, and that the meeting was positive.
Referring to the Turkish state's intervention on the BDP İmralı delegation paying visits to İmralı, Öcalan said it was a positive development that the delegation is now formed by members of BDP and HDP. Önder added that he himself, together with Buldan and Baluken, would be the permanent members of the delegation, and be accompanied by a changing member from now on.
According to Önder, Öcalan expressed his concern about the situation of ill prisoners in Turkish jails and demanded a solution to the issue.
Önder reminded that Öcalan said the process was on but at a critical stage carrying risks, and quoted the Kurdish leader as saying that; "I am still standing behind the Newroz declaration and we show a great will to keep the process going, even if we stand alone on this".
Önder said Öcalan criticized the government's attitude towards the "peace process" saying it was ineffective and remarked that this ineffectiveness exposed the fact that the process still lacked an infrastructure and a legal ground. The Kurdish leader said in this respect that "We, you (the BDP-HDP delegation), those displacing in other parts of Kurdistan (PKK guerrillas), the state, and everyone else is technically committing a crime at present in we stand by the present legislation".
Öcalan highlighted two major deficiencies in the democratic resolution process; a legal ground for the steps taken within the process, such as the displacement and return of Kurdish guerrillas, and the communication problem that denies democracy powers participation in İmralı meetings, including members of local and foreign press, members of all political parties in the Parliamentary Resolution Commission, a delegation of the Wise People, scientists and politicians.
Önder said the Kurdish leader criticized the ruling AKP government mainly for its failure to interpret and analyze the internal and regional developments, and to understand the situation in the region, the country and the process. Öcalan said the building of the walls of shame on Turkey and west Kurdistan border was also a consequence of this failure. "If the government were able to interpret the developments well, it wouldn't build walls but act for the removal of the walls and borders", Öcalan underlined.
The Kurdish leader -Önder said- also called attention to the importance of democratic politics, especially when considering the approaching local elections, and remarked that the co-chair system would ensure equality of women and men and dispense with the need for a quota for women's participation in politics and all other areas of life.
Önder said Öcalan also welcomed the frame HDP co-chair Ertuğrul Kürkçü announced during the HDP congress for the activities and aims of the party.
Buldan, Baluken and Önder will also have a meeting with the KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) executives in Kandil following a meeting they will have with Turkish ministers in the coming days.