One soldier killed in HPG's reprisal attack

One soldier killed in HPG's reprisal attack

People's Defense Forces Press Office HPG-BIM said in a written statement that one Turkish soldier was killed in the attack HPG guerrillas launched in Amed in reprisal for the Lice attack.

One protestor, Medeni Yıldırım, 18, was killed and ten people were wounded after soldiers in a military post opened fire on people who protested the construction of guard posts in the village of Hêzan (Kayacık) on 28 June.

HPG-BIM said the guerrillas' attack which targeted the Hegasor post in Amed's Hani district was carried out on 3 July in reprisal for the Lice attack.

Giving information about the recently increasing military activity in the Kurdish region, HPG-BIM said that the Turkish army shelled the villages of Erbiş and Talisa, as well as the areas of Kepe Mirişka, near Hakkari's (Colomerg) Çukurca (Çêlê) district on 3 July evening.

HPG-BIM noted that the Turkish military had also launched an operation in the rural areas near the villages of Xırabsor, Şerefxan and Avanyurt in Van's Saray district on 1 July. The press office said the operation lasted till 2 July.

HPG-BIM added that a counter-guerrilla group of 12 people have lied in ambush between the villages of Satmanê and Karahisar in Van's Saray district for the last three months.