One town and one village liberated in Raqqa operation
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have cleared Hamrat Nasra town of gangs after 3 days of intense clashes.
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have cleared Hamrat Nasra town of gangs after 3 days of intense clashes.
Wrath of Euphrates fighters cleared Hamrat Nasra town 5 km to the northeast of Raqqa of ISIS gangs. The clashes lasted for 3 days. The last positions held by ISIS gangs were taken under SDF control in the night.
Following the liberation of the town, the fighters advanced towards the Hamrat Balsim village. After one hour of clashes, on Wednesday at around 03.00 local time, this village was also liberated. Minesweeping efforts started to make the town and the village safe.
In parallel, at approximately 03.00, ISIS gangs attempted an attack on Baban village which had been previously liberated. This village is to the northwest of Raqqa.
In the ensuing clashes, 7 attackers were killed. The gangs had to retreat as their attack attempts were foiled.
The Wrath of Euphrates Operation was launched in November 2016. On March 21, following a 50-day long operation, Tabqa city and dam was liberated. Now Raqqa city is under siege from several directions. Over 100.000 civilians fled the area up to date and were transported to safe zones by SDF fighters.