Online discussion on the Kurdish Movement next Tuesday

A new meeting will be organised by Scottish Solidarity with Kurdistan as part of their Kurdish Tuesdays.

The new Kurdish Tuesday organised by Scottish Solidarity with Kurdistan will take place on Tuesday 28 July at 7 pm (UK time) through zoom and Facebook.

The title of the meeting is "Representative Democracy and the Democratic Confederal Project: Reflections on the Transformation of the Kurdish Movement in Turkey". The guest of the meeting will be Dr Jeff Miley, Lecturer in Sociology at Cambridge University. He will talk about the Kurdish Movement in Turkey.

Dr Miley is a politically committed academic, and edited Your Freedom and Mine: Abdullah Ocalan and the Kurdish Question in Erdogan's Turkey, where his introductory section provides a clear account of the historical development of the Kurdish movement.

To join the Zoom discussion, email to [email protected] to be sent the link.

The meeting will also be livestreamed on