‘Our people can defeat the isolation by supporting the resistance"

Demanding the removal of Ocalan’s isolation, an indefinite and non-alternating hunger strike continues on the 48th day in the French city of Strasbourg.

In France’s Strasbourg city, 14 Kurdish activists are on day 48 of an indefinite and irreversible hunger strike to protest the aggravated isolation of the Kurdish people’s leader, Abdullah Ocalan.

Yesterday, members of the People’s Council from the German city of Goppingen, including PYD member Abdin Khorşid visited the hunger strikers.

Abdin Khorşid spoke on behalf of the People’s Council, and said: “The Kurdish people are experiencing a critical process, and the Kurds in Europe should be on vigil 24 hours a day. We must increase our activities in all areas. Our patriotic people should take to the streets and reach make their voice heard by the international organizations.”

Abdin Khorşid stated that the isolation could only be defeated through strong and enduring actions. “The Kurdish people will prevail,” he underlined.