A statement signed by over 27 organizations, including trade unions, political movements, associations and Kurdish friendship groups, left parties, was published ahead of a press conference to be held today at 10 am in Grenoble at the Maison des associations.
The statement, titled, "Cruelty towards Kurds in France must end", underlined that the operations in which many Kurdish activists were detained took place at a time when Erdogan is cracking down on all kinds of fundamental rights and freedoms, and pointed out that the Erdogan regime is trying to ban the HDP, a party which received more than 6 million votes.
The statement rejected the attacks on Kurds and their institutions in France and reminded that
Kurds fought a relentless struggle against ISIS mercenaries in Rojava with France and other countries members of the international coalition.
The statement also reminded that thousands of political prisoners in Turkish jails are being held accused of vague 'terrorism' charges and called on the EU and France to remove the PKK from the list of terrorist organisations.
The signatories of the statement are as follows:
AIAK (Association Iséroise des Amis des Kurdes) ; CGT Isère ; Comité Isérois de Soutien aux Sans Papiers ; Cisem (coordination iséroise de solidarité avec les étrangers et migrants) ; CNT 38 (Confédération Nationale du Travail) ; DAL 38 ; Ensemble 38 ; EELV Isère (Europe Écologie Les Verts) ; FI Isère (France Insoumise) ; FSU Isère ; : JC Isère (Jeunesse Communiste) ; LDH Isère (Ligue des Droits de l'Homme) ; LIFPL (Ligue Internationale des Femmes pour la Paix et la Liberté) : LSR de l'Isère (Loisirs et Solidarité des Retraités ) ; Mouvement de la Paix Isère ; Lutte ouvrière Isère ; MRAP Isère ; Nostra-América ; NPA Isère ; PCF Isère (Parti Communiste Français) ; PCOF ; PEPS Isère ; Société des lectrices et lecteurs de l'Huma ; Solidaires 38 ; Solidaires Étudiants ; UCL 38 (Union des communistes Libertaires) ; UEC Isère (Union des Étudiants Communistes).