Parliament establish monitor commission

Parliament establish monitor commission

The Turkish Parliament has approved the resolution for the establishment of a commission to monitor the Kurdish question solution process. The commission, called Resolution Process Assessment Commission, had been proposed by the ruling AK party.

The Commission will be made up of 17 members and will be on duty for three months. It will be enabled to work outside Ankara if necessary.

The vote for the Commission was joined by members of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) and Justice and Development Party (AKP) after deputies of Republican People's Party (CHP) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) left the general assembly.

Speaking during the debate on the resolution, BDP Group Deputy Chair İdris Baluken said that, “This process which is based on the brotherhood of peoples, peace, democracy, equality and freedom of peoples will -we believe- continue making an advancement with the joint demand of 75 million people”.

Baluken said it was important that the Parliament thoroughly fulfilled its responsibilities in the currently ongoing process, adding, “It is the duty of primarily the Parliament to come up with a solution to the problems of all peoples in Turkey, including those of Turks, Kurds, Lazs, Circassians, Alewis, Sunnis and all other groups. I would like to point out that the Parliament should lead this process without evading responsibility”.

Baluken underlined that there was a need to get to the bottom of the Kurdish issue before talking about healthy projects for its solution.

He added that Kurds have never surrendered themselves to the policies of denial and assimilation they have faced throughout history.