Parliamentary question about Turkish soldiers’ meeting ISIS members

Parliamentary question about Turkish soldiers’ meeting ISIS members

HDP Parliamentary Group chair Baluken has asked a question in the Turkish Parliament regarding  Turkish soldiers meeting ISIS gang members. He asked Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu to reply to the following question: “By whom was the order given to make contact and what was the subject of the contact?”

In the parliaamentary question, Baluken drew attention to the fact that there have been numerous articles in the press both in Turkey and abroad regarding relations between Turkey and ISIS, and that the AKP government has yet to give satisfactory and sufficient answers regarding these contacts.

Baluken asked: "In spite of the Turkish President and yourself stating on many occasions that you have no relationship with the ISIS terror organisation, footage broadcast by the Dicle News Agency on 27.10.2014 has once again revealed a relationship between Turkey and ISIS. In the news item in question, Turkish soldiers and ISIS members are seen to meet at the Turkey-Syria border and say farewell to each other on 22.10.2014.”

“In the footage, the ISIS members burn and loot the property of citizens of Kobanê in the Zorava area,  then come to the border and speak to 7 soldiers who get out of 2 armed vehicles. After a half-hour meeting the gang members and soldiers bid each other farewell and leave the area.”

Baluken asked Davutoğlu to reply to the following questions:

"Who were the soldiers who met the ISIS members? Who gave the order and how was contact made?”

“Is there a legal basis for holding a meeting with armed ISIS gang members? Or will legal action be taken against the personnel concerned?”

“What was discussed during this meeting? There is suspicion that an exchange of information and planning regarding the coordination of attacks on Kobanê may have taken place. Are there central orders regarding this? Has an inquiry been launched regarding the soldiers involved?”

While the majority of world public opinion supports the resistance in Kobanê, your government obstructs the passage of humanitarian and military aid sent by international powers to support the people of Rojava who are fighting ISIS. It is even resisting the opening of a corridor which is necessary for this aid. Are you aware of the problems this may create for Turkey in the medium and long term in domestic and foreign policy?”

“Teargas and water cannon are being used on villagers going to the Suruç border to support Kobanê, while at the border Turkish army personnel are meeting ISIS members. Does this mean that you consider Turkey’s own citizens wanting to support the resistance in Kobanê to be more dangerous that ISIS gangs?”

“How frequently do such meetings take place?”

“Do you have data regarding such meetings? Has an inquiry been initiated concerning this issue that could result in Turkey being sent to the International Criminal Court on account of relations with ISIS, which is regarded as a terrorist organisation by the whole world?”

“Have any military, public or administrative personnel been suspended as a result of inquiries?”