Peace vigil for Shengal launched in Oldenburg

A three-day vigil for peace in Shengal has begun in Oldenburg. The action, initiated by the umbrella organization of the Yazidi Women's Council, is intended to create publicity in view of new threats of intervention by Turkey.

In Oldenburg, a "vigil for peace and against war" supported by Yazidi organizations began on Thursday to create publicity in view of new threats of intervention by Turkey against Shengal. The action, which will last a total of three days, will take place on Lange Straße in downtown Oldenburg and was initiated by the umbrella organization of the Yazidi Women's Council (Sîwana Meclîsa Jinên Êzîdî, SMJÊ). Co-organizer is the Coordination of the Yazidi Society in Europe (KCÊ-E), to which NAV-YEK, MŞD, HCÊ, Hevbendiya Êzdîyên Suriyê, Navenda Çanda Êzîdxan and Kordinasiyona Gundên Bakurê Kurdistan belong.

The first day of action started with an opening speech and a minute of silence for all the martyrs and victims of the 74 Yazidi genocides. Due to the Lower Saxony infection control law, the number of participants was limited. Many of them brought flags of Shengal’s Self-Defense Units (YBŞ/YJŞ) and other Yazidi organizations, which also decorated the place of the vigil. Pictures of fallen fighters were also placed on the information tent.

The day was organized with numerous speeches by representatives of SMJÊ, KCÊ-E and the MLPD. The topic was the agreement concluded last October at the instigation of Turkey between the Iraqi central government and the leadership of South Kurdistan autonomous region, which provides for a restructuring of Shengal according to the interests of Ankara, Hewlêr and Baghdad and the accompanying dissolution of the self-governing structures. The fact that the agreement was reached over the lives of the Yazidi population was strongly criticized. The speakers emphasized that only the YBŞ and YJŞ were considered by the Yazidi community as a trustworthy defense force as well as a guarantor for a free life in Shengal. The Iraqi government was urged to recognize the Yazidi Self-Defense Forces as the official armed forces of Shengal and to stop denying the region autonomy status.

On Friday, the vigil will be held as an information stand from 1 to 3 pm. The sit-in will conclude with a march to be staged on Saturday under the slogan "The autonomy of Shengal is the guarantor of protection and security. We say NO to a renewed genocide against the Yazidis!" through the city center. The meeting point is the Lange Straße, at 2 pm.