People meetings to assess latest political developments
The last meeting was held in the village of Ceid and was attended by many residents
The last meeting was held in the village of Ceid and was attended by many residents
The people meetings promoted by Kobanê Autonomous Administration and TEV-DEM Council in order to evaluate the political developments in the region continue to attract large crowds and last several hours.
On Friday the meeting in the village of Ceid, on the Euphrates river, went on till late at night.
Many residents of the village attended the meeting at which Peyman Aydin, member of the General Coordination of Kongreya Star, delivered a speech.
After a minute silence to pay tribute to the many who lost their life in the fight for freedom, Peyman Aydin evaluated the political developments in the region.
In particular Aydin explained to people the meaning and content of the meeting among the Syria Democratic Council (MSD) and Syrian regime representatives.
The meeting ended with a very participated questions and answers session.