Peoples urge the UN stop Turkey’s operation against Afrin

Peoples from various backgrounds staged a demonstration in front of the United Nations and called for action against the Turkish state’s invasion operation on Afrin.

A demonstration was staged in front of the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva in protest at the Turkish state’s invasion operation against Afrin and the silence of the United Nations on the attacks.

Swiss political parties and leftist-socialist circles also supported the demonstration which was joined by hundreds of people calling on the United Nations to act against Turkey’s attacks on Afrin Canton of Northern Syria.  Demonstrators carried images from the massacre of civilians in the operation.



Zozan Derik of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) strongly criticised the UN for its silence on Turkey’s operation against Northern Syria.

Reminding the UN of its duty to act against Turkey’s invasion attempt, Derik said; “We see once again that the world remains silent when it is a massacre against the Kurds in question. Still, they shouldn’t forget that we will hold these authorities responsible for every massacre committed there.”

Calling attention to the legendary resistance in Afrin, Derik said; “Those who do not know us should turn and look at our history. We will resist and win, just like what happened in Kobanê. We must stand up in this process. It is our duty to make all those silent go into action. Long Live Afrin’s resistance.”


Speaking after Derik, Socialist Party Federal Parliament MP Carlo Sommaruga saluted the Kurdish people’s resistance and underlined that Turkey’s invasion attempt against Afrin is unacceptable.

“While there are so many things to learn from Rojava with regard to democracy and human rights, attacking Rojava has no acceptable sides. The silence of Europe and Switzerland in the face of Turkey’s attacks is unacceptable. I urge Europe and Switzerland to go into action immediately.”

MP Carlo Sommaruga continued; “When Kurds are in question, Europe remains silent. I condemn this situation. The invasion by the Turkish state can have no justification.”

A following speech on behalf of Solitarité pointed out that the Kurdish people’s resistance is legitimate and called on international authorities to act against Turkey’s attacks immediately.

The speaker stressed that imperialist powers remain silent and get a position that attacks the Turkish state’s attacks, and called for solidarity with the resistance of the Kurds everywhere.”