Peshmerga cross into Kobanê - FLASH
Peshmerga cross into Kobanê - FLASH
Peshmerga cross into Kobanê - FLASH
160 peshmerga fighters who have been kept waiting at Çukobirlik site near Kobanê border for the last three days have started to cross into Kobanê in support of the YPG (People's Protection Units) resistance against ISIS gangs.
Seen to be in good morale and spirit, and chanting slogans in favor of the Kurdish resistance against ISIS gangs, peshmerga fighters have crossed into the besieged town, from an area opened for their entry, in the military convoy of the heavy weapons they brought from South Kurdistan.
Special operation teams and 8 armoured vehicles have been deployed at the site where riot-police teams have also formed a blockade with their shields to hinder the press from covering the advance of the peshmerga forces.