The PKK Central Committee said in the statement: "The coronavirus process also made it very clear that AKP-MHP fascism is the weakest power of our time. It is undoubtedly dangerous as well as weak. The genocide and war policies it pursues against Kurds threatens all humanity, especially women and the peoples of the Middle East."
The PKK called on "all revolutionary and democratic forces of Turkey, women and youth, all workers to build a stronger common struggle against colonialism. The coronavirus pandemic has clearly revealed how sick the capitalist modernity system is. Capitalism, which offers unlimited freedom to everyone, has turned the world into a prison for the whole humanity. We believe that the only alternative to freedom and democracy for humanity is the democratic confederalism system based on democratic autonomy as developed by President Abdullah Öcalan.
World Democratic Confederalism which democratic societies will build based on women's freedom and social ecology is the way to liberation. On this basis, we call upon all the world's anti-capitalist democratic and socialist forces, women's freedom and ecological movements, to forge a stronger relationship, alliance and common struggle to get rid of the coronavirus-producing capitalism and create an alternative democracy congress."
The PKK also reminded that President Apo has reiterated "his call for national democratic unity very strongly. We believe that Kurdish unity was destroyed mainly by the AKP Administration, regional and global external powers. We call on all Kurdish parties and organizations to be careful about such games played by foreign interests, and to claim democratic unity and struggle in the historical process we are in."