PKK-PAJK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party – Kurdistan Free Women’s Party) Prisons Committee issued a written statement on the now-concluded hunger strikes.
PKK-PAJK Prisons Committee said, “The Great Hunger Strike and Death Fast Resistance that started under the lead of DTK Co-chair and HDP MP Leyla Guven and grew more and more every day with participation from thousands of friends in prisons and on the outside to break the isolation imposed upon Leader Apo was ended successfully on May 26 upon Leader Apo’s call.
We remember with respect and gratitude comrades Zulkuf Gezen, Ayten Becet, Zehra Saglam, Medya Cinar, Yonca Akici, Sirac Yuksek, Mahsum Pamay, Umit Acar and Ugur Sakar who achieved immortality in their sacrifice actions as part of the Break the isolation smash fascism free Kurdistan resistance move, and we promise once more to crown the struggle they were martyred for with victory. We will continue our struggle with great resolve until we liberate our leader in the sacrifice line of these comrades, achieve a status for our people and democratize Turkey.”
“We wholeheartedly commend all comrades who were part of this resistance process, and state that the sacrificing stance and resistance allow our people and the peoples of the world to win big, and as such are a historic resistance, and thus constitute an important development in the history of the Struggle for Freedom,” said the statement and pointed out the following: “With this resistance move, the AKP-MHP fascism was resisted against by the invincible will of the revolutionary and all have been shown that Leader Apo is our reason to live and to fight, with great will and great resolve. Like the July 14 Great Death Fast defeated the September 12 fascism and rendered it dysfunctional, this resistance has brought the AKP-MHP fascist alliance to the brink of destruction.
Prisons have always been a great front of resistance for our Freedom Struggle. Prisons have once again led the Break the Isolation Smash Fascism Free Kurdistan resistance move against fascism and the isolation based on the July 14 spirit of resistance and the “You Can’t Darken Our Sun” heroic line, and dozens of revolutionaries have participated in the resistance, seeing its historic significance, allowing the resistance to continue for months. With this resistance, it has been gloriously established that the prisons are at the sacrificing line of Leader Apo’s Imrali resistance despite all torture-oppression and anti-democratic practices by the AKP-MHP fascism’s political genocide approach. Reaching the level to be a comrade to Leader Apo on the basis of physical, spiritual and corporeal competence is the side of the sacrificing stance to be completed and this is the fundamental task for our comrades in prisons in the coming period.
We salute all our people and our friends who, in these 6 months of resistance, put forth a permanent resistance in four parts of Kurdistan and Europe against the isolation and fascism, and state that they are responsible for a great chunk of the success of the protest process. We bow in front of the determined and commendable resistance of the prisoners’ mothers dubbed the White Scarves in particular, state our resolve to raise the struggle against fascism and colonialism at every area and achieve success as necessitated by being worthy of being their children, and with respect kiss the hands of each and every mother who participated in the resistance.
We thank the revolutionary parties and structures in Turkey who participated in the resistance and supported the struggle, lawyers, human rights organizations, NGOs and democratic politics institutions, and state our faith that they will display the same consciousness that they did during the hunger strike process during the process of treatment for the comrades in prisons as they win back their health.
The Hunger Strike and Death Fast Resistance was concluded on the call of Leader Apo after fascism was pushed back. We are aware that our duty from now on is to conclude the fight against the Imrali torture system, isolation and fascism. As such, our resistance move is not over, on the contrary, it has entered a new phase. This phase is to end Leader Apo’s captivity conditions and to resolve the Kurdish issue through the democratization of Turkey. We believe that all our people and our allies will raise the struggle wherever they are with this awareness, and will smash fascism whatever the price may be to crown the resistance move with victory. And we state that there is no other path but resistance. What will allow a victory is only resistance. On this basis we salute all comrades, all our people and allies in this dignified resistance stance once again, with respect.”