Police forces attack Fiskaya
As attacks by Turkish state forces against civilians continue in the Kurdish region, special operation police teams have now started to attack Fiskaya neighborhood in Amed's central Yenişehir district.
As attacks by Turkish state forces against civilians continue in the Kurdish region, special operation police teams have now started to attack Fiskaya neighborhood in Amed's central Yenişehir district.
As attacks by Turkish state forces against civilians continue in the Kurdish region, special operation police teams have now started to attack Fiskaya neighborhood in Amed's central Yenişehir district.
While police teams are opening fire on the neighborhood, residents have started to carry out resistance in response to the attack that came after the fresh operations in Silvan and Sur districts of Amed.
The neighborhood has been blocked with armored vehicles and the road leading to Dicle University has been blocked by Turkish state forces.
There is also an activity of helicopters over the neighborhood.