Presidential election postponed to an uncertain date in Iraq
The Presidential election scheduled to take place in Iraq on 25 September has been postponed.
The Presidential election scheduled to take place in Iraq on 25 September has been postponed.
Eyes are on the presidential election following the election of the Parliamentary President in Iraq, after which the Presidential election was announced for 25 September.
The election has been postponed due to intense opposition and objection raised by the PDK (Kurdistan Democratic Party) after the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan nominated Berhem Salih as the presidential candidate.
According to the related statement by the Iraqi Parliament, no voting will be held at the second session of the new term on 25 September Tuesday.
During the session, permanent commissions will discuss the situation in Basra and the provision of basic services for the governorate.
The statement did not provide details as to when the presidential election will be held.
On the other hand, Kurdistan Region Presidential Council member Fuad Hüseyin has been named the official presidential candidate of the PDK.
In addition to PUK’s Berhem Salih and Hüseyin, former Iraqi parliamentarians Sirwe Ebdulwahîd and Serdar Ebdullah have also announced their candidacy.