Prisoner of 30 years released: We are not free until all political prisoners are released

Released after 30 years, Mehmet Emin Ersoy stated that he will not be free until all political prisoners are released and called for public awareness.

Mehmet Emin Ersoy, who was arrested in Iğdır in 1994 and sentenced to life imprisonment by the State Security Court (DGM) for ‘disrupting the unity and integrity of the state’, was released from Tekirdağ F Type Closed Prison after 30 years of imprisonment.

Ersoy was welcomed by his family and many people in front of the prison.

Speaking in front of the prison, Ersoy stated that he would not be free until all political prisoners were released and said, “It is like a closed box outside. In order to feel freedom, all our friends need to be outside. This is the only way we can feel freedom. A few of my friends were to be released together with me. The release of Ahmet Kaan Aslan was postponed for 3 more months for no reason. The public should think about our friends behind bars.”