Poverty and Health Association (Armut und Gesundheit e.V.) is a prominent NGO in Germany. For a while now, founder and chairperson Prof. Dr. Gerhard Trabert has been interested in Rojava as well.
Prof. Dr. Trabert has visited Rojava and observed medical efforts in situ, and last week he headed out to Afrin under attack by the Turkish state. Prof. Dr. Trabert managed to go as close as Manbij, but was prevented from continuing into Afrin and returned to Germany.
The German scientist spoke to the ANF about his observations in the region and said he had been told that the Damascus regime prevented foreigners from going into the region, and thus it wouldn’t be safe for him to travel to Afrin under those conditions. Prof. Dr. Trabert said he headed out with 5.000 Euros and 50 kg of medical supplies to aid the medical needs of the people of Afrin, and added:
“Before my journey, I was told they needed antibiotics, painkillers, tetanus vaccines and most all medical supplies. But I am disappointed because I couldn’t make it to Afrin. I visited the hospital in Manbij, I spoke with people providing the health services and I saw some patients from Afrin. A nurse who had returned from Afrin recently told me there were 300 wounded people, and 180 civilians had been killed including women and children.”
The German scientist pointed out that the hospital in Manbij was also lacking many medical supplies and said: “Right now, the number of civilians who have lost their lives in the Turkish state attacks is over 200. I received further information from one of our members, a Kurdish doctor, about the latest situation. Right now Afrin is in need of all types of medical supplies.”
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Trabert said civilians are losing their lives quietly, in front of the whole world to see, and called on Germany, European countries and the international community: “Turkey must be placed under a weapons embargo, there should be serious initiatives to end this war of Erdoğan’s at once and to prevent civilian deaths. Most importantly, international aid organizations must be made to go to Afrin.”