Amed Public Prosecutor’s Office began to give signs of how the investigation in Amed will continue in future days. The Prosecutor claimed that the death of 15 years-old Ramazan Yıldız is not connected with the explosions in yesterday’s HDP rally.
Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor Ramazan Solmaz made a statement on the massacre attempt from yesterday’s HDP rally. The Prosecutor already began to obfuscate the investigation by claiming that the death of 15 years-old Ramazan Yıldız is not connected with yesterday’s explosions.
The Prosecutor stated that the main explosion happened between 17:46 and 17:48 yesterday and claimed that Ramazan Yıldız died not because of the explosion but because of falling from a high building 2 hours before the explosion. The Prosecutor also claimed that the investigation on every detail of the explosions continues carefully.