Racist attack targets Kurdish students in Bolu
Racist attack targets Kurdish students in Bolu
Racist attack targets Kurdish students in Bolu
Three Kurdish youths studying at İzzet Baysal University in the northern province of Bolu were targeted by a racist group last night.
The Kurdish youths were assaulted and battered by a group wearing ski face masks in front of the former Bolu prison last night. The knife attack by the racist group left two of the students injured.
The Kurdish youths have reportedly filed a complaint against the assailants.
Attacks by racist, nationalist and pro-Turkish groups against Kurds have remarkably increased across Turkey in recent years as the politicians continue uttering provocative statements, as a result of which more and more Kurdish citizens living out of the North Kurdistan region in Turkey, as well as their institutions, HDP offices being in the first place, are being targeted and left aggrieved, while on the other hand perpetrators of such attacks remain unquestioned and unpunished.