'Reading Days' continue in Latin America

Abya Yala feminists read excerpts from Öcalan's book 'Killing the Man'. In Mexico children participated in a discussion of Öcalan's childhood memories and his relationship with nature, and in Bogota the paradigm of democratic modernity was introduced.

On 10 October, a new international campaign called "Freedom for Öcalan – A Political Solution to the Kurdish Question" was launched with press conferences in 74 places around the world, from France, to Belgium, from Italy to the Spanish state, from Germany to the UK, from Ireland to the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Slovenia, Cyprus, Greece and across the ocean in Australia, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador. From South Africa to Kenya, Japan, India, Bangladesh, East Timor, the Philippines. The campaign unites social movements, political parties, municipalities, trade unions, activists, intellectuals and millions of Kurds and people in solidarity with the Kurdish liberation struggle worldwide around a common goal: the participation of Abdullah Öcalan in a dialogue for a just and democratic political solution to the Kurdistan question in Turkey, which has remained unresolved for more than a century.

As part of the international campaign, 10 December was designated ‘Global Öcalan Books Day’ to “start reading a book from Öcalan to find methods to solve our common problems and create a future of freedom.”

A group of members of Abya Yala feminists shared a text of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and organised a campaign to read Öcalan's texts in order to break the isolation regime imposed on him by the Turkish state.

Women read the chapter "The third great sexual rupture against the dominant male" from Abdullah Öcalan's book "Killing the Man". Well-known artists and activists such as Claudia Korol, Georgio Andini, Adriana Guzman, Georgio Andini and Adriana Guzman participated in the campaign, as well as women from Bolivia, Paraguay and Ecuador.

Democratic Modernity Paradigm presented in Bogota

In the book centre "La Valija de fuego" in Bogota, the capital of Colombia, an event was organised as part of the Öcalan Books Days. In the event, Öcalan's biography as well as the paradigm of democratic modernity were introduced. In particular, his works and writings translated into Spanish were presented.

Raramuri children support the campaign

The Raramuri (Tarahumara) people, a group of the indigenous people living in the north of Mexico, organised a series of events within the framework of the ‘Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, Political Solution to the Kurdish Question’ campaign.

One of the events was held with the participation of children in the autonomous primary school that the Raramuri people created with their own means.

During the event, Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan's childhood memories and his relationship with nature were told.

The event was translated from Spanish into Raramuri. At the end of the event, the children showed their solidarity with the Kurdish people by chanting the slogan "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan".