"Referendum on Presidential voting rights step for equality"
The Irish Government has finally agreed to hold a referendum to allow Irish citizens abroad, including the North of Ireland, to vote for the President of the Republic.
The Irish Government has finally agreed to hold a referendum to allow Irish citizens abroad, including the North of Ireland, to vote for the President of the Republic.
Sinn Féin’s Seanadóir Niall Ó Donnghaile has said extending Presidential voting rights to citizens in the north and the Irish diaspora is an important step in ensuring equality for all Irish citizens.
And he said this would make the office of Uachtarán truly representative of the people.
The Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) had announced a couple of months back that the Government will hold a referendum to amend the Constitution to allow Irish citizens resident outside the State, including in the North of Ireland, to be allowed to vote in Irish presidential elections.
This week Government's decision is in line with the recommendations of the Convention on the Constitution, in their Fifth Report.
This announcement is a historic recognition of the strong and enduring links between Ireland and all our citizens, wherever they are in the world.
The Convention on the Constitution in its Fifth Report, submitted to the Oireachtas in November 2013, recommended that the constitution be amended to provide for citizens resident outside the State, including Northern Ireland, to have the right to vote at presidential elections.
Sinn Fein Seanadóir Ó Donnghaile said: “Giving Irish citizens in the north the opportunity to vote for our President is a practical expression of the terms of the Good Friday Agreement”.
He added: “The Agreement upholds the right of people in the north to Irish citizenship and to provide equal treatment for the identity, ethos, and aspirations of both communities in this part of Ireland. I therefore welcome the announcement the Irish Government has at long last agreed to hold a referendum on presidential voting rights”.
Sinn Féin has long been leading this campaign and pressing consecutive Irish governments for the extension of voting rights since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement.
“This issue – said the Sinn Fein deputy - has been a priority for me since entering the Seanad and I look forward to the campaign for equality that lies ahead. Full, participatory and equal citizenship and allowing Irish citizens in the north and overseas this most basic entitlement, the right to vote in Presidential elections, is a positive advance for everyone in Irish life.”