Reşit İşbilir killed by 6 bullets, Veysel İşbilir by 2

Reşit İşbilir killed by 6 bullets, Veysel İşbilir by 2

Initial autopsy reports on Mehmet Reşit İşbilir and Veysel İşbilir, who were shot dead by Turkish police in the Yüksekova district of Hakkari province on 6 December, indicate that Mehmet Reşit İşbilir was hit by 6 bullets and Veysel İşbilir by 2.

The post mortem examinations of Mehmet Reşit İşbilir and Veysel İşbilir, who died after special forces police officers opened fire on a demonstration in Yüksekova protesting against the damaging of gravestones of HPG guerrillas have been completed at the Forensic department in the city of Van.

The initial report issued after the post mortem carried out in the presence of the Van state prosecutor, Ahmet Salih Bilge, and lawyers from the Van bar association, confirmed that the two men died as the result of gunshot wounds.

According to news agency DİHA the cause of death of Mehmet Reşit İşbilir was internal and external bleeding caused by 6 bullet wounds. The report stated that: "we are of the opinion that a ballistic examination should be carried out and that a criminal investigation needs to be set up in order to ascertain the distance from which the shots were fired."   

The initial autopsy report regarding Veysel İşbilir established that he had also died as the result of internal bleeding caused by three gunshot wounds, with the bullets having entered the body from the right and from above and exited to the left and below.