Return to Kobanê gaining momentum
Return to Kobanê gaining momentum
Return to Kobanê gaining momentum
The great resistance of YPG forces to the renewed attacks of ISIS gangs on Kobanê that began on 15 September has led to the people of Kobanê returning to the town. While life in the town has revived, the people are continuing to be vigilant and are determined to resist to the end alongside the YPG.
After the initial wave of people leaving after attacks by ISIS gangs using tanks, rockets and artillery, the resistance put up by YPG fighters has encouraged thousands of people to return to Kobanê.
In the first days of the attacks on Kobanê, the shopkeepers pulled down their shutters, but now with the return of the inhabitants amny shops have reopened. One by one pharmacies, greengrocers, supermarkets, electronic stores, and barbers shops have reopened. The normalisation of life on the streets is directly linked to the epic resistance put up by YPG and YPJ fighters over the last fortnight, rather than a lessening in the intensity of the clashes. The YPG/YPJ fighters who are inflicting heavy blows on the ISIS gangs have created a profound feeling of security amongst the people.
Another sign of normalisation in conditions of war is the children playing in the street and women chatting in front of their homes. One of those who left Kobanê in the first days of the attacks and has now returned, is Edlê Xelîl, a mother of three. She said she had left because of a psychology of fear, but had returned when she saw that the YPG were resisting, and was not letting them down. Xelil added: "We will never abandon Kobanê. The YPG is resisting and we believe that it will protect us.''
Mıhemed Muslim Eli is another who left in the early days. He has also returned and reopened his shop selling petrol products. Elî said he had returned when he saw the growing resistance to ISIS. "Thousands have returned in the last few days. I know this as my shop is near the border gate. We will never leave Kobanê," he added.
In Kobanê everyone, from 7 to 70, who sees a camera makes the v for victory sign, signifying their belief that the YPG will prevail.
Feyad Berkel, a 65-year-old we encounter on the street, is carrying an AK 47. Berkel says he is a volunteer in the town security, adding: "we may die in the mud of Kobanê, but we will not surrender to ISIS." At Berkel's words those around him begin to shout "Long live the resistance of the YPG".
Young people in particular are returning to Kobanê. As they arrive they say: "we have come to fight. The dirty hands of ISIS will not touch our land."
While clashes in Kobanê have lost none of their intensity, with the rise in morale and confidence in the YPG life is beginning to return to normal. The Kobanê internal security system has also taken all possible precautions.