Revolutions from Rojava to Washington, an online conference

A two-day panel is taking place titled "Revolutions from Rojava to Washington" on Thursday and Friday organised by activists in Hungary.

A two-day panel is taking place titled "Revolutions from Rojava to Washington" on Thursday and Friday organised by Solidarity for Rojava, Szikra Movement, Táncsics - Radical Left Party, Eszmélet journal (''spark consciousness") in Hungary.

The organisers explained: "Attacked by Erdogan’s regime and taking the lion’s share of overcoming IS Rojava in Northern Syria is a left wing and feminist social project that opposes capitalism and patriarchy.

Through the introduction and analysis of this biggest existing, left-wing, anti-capitalist alternative, Rojava, and the current Northern Syrian situation, we will take a look at the current revolutionary wave.

In the recent period, mass protests and revolutionary movements emerged in many countries throughout the world, such as in Sudan, Chile, Iran, Algeria, France, Haiti or Lebanon."

Through discussing its causes, characteristics and (possible) outcomes - the organisers said the "aim of the conference is to look at the opportunities of local, Eastern European political action."

The conference will be held in both Hungarian and English.

Details  here

Register and join the conference here


Thursday 10 December

Ideology and Politics of Rojava

10:00 - 10:30 Opening by Ádám Zsófia, Szadai Levente + Hortobágyi Anna, Földesi Ákos

10:35 - 11:35 Nilüfer Koç, International Commission of the Kurdistan National Congress: Ocalan's Paradigm in Rojava: A Global Challenge to Capitalist Modernity

11:40 - 12:10 Serkan Simen: Current Political Situation and Revolutionary Momentum in Turkey and Rojava

12:15 - 12:45 Barát Endre, Green Star: Make Rojava Green Again / Rojava and climate change

12:50 - 13:20 Bakó Júlia: Every Day a Picture of a Kurdish Woman

13:25 - 14:25 Break (1 hour)

14:25 - 14:55 Barta Tamás: Edward Abramowski and democratic confederalism

15:00 - 16:00 Andrea Wolf Institute of Jineoloji: Jineology in Theory and Practice

16:05 - 16:35 Chaia Heller: Social Ecology and Feminist Theory 

16:35 - 16:55 Break (20 minutes)

16:55 - 17:15 Women for Rojava Zine Presentation

17:20 - 17:40 “Liberating Life”: Öcalan Translation Presentation

Friday 11 December

Global Crisis and the new Wave of Revolutions

10:00 - 10:30 Jack Halinski-Fitzpatrick, Socialist Appeal: 2020 - A world on fire

10:35 - 11:05 Tóth Csaba: On the USA

11:10 - 11:40 Melegh Attila: Rojava and the Socialist experiments

11:40 - 12:40 Break (1 hour)

12:40 - 13:10 Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro: Anarchist New York

13:15 - 14:30 Roundtable: Revolutions from Iran to Chile

Chair: Hortobágyi Anna


  • Kapelner Zsolt

  • Mendly Dorottya

  • Kiss Viktor

  • Balázs Gábor

  • Parászka Boróka

14:30 - 14:50 Break (20 minutes)

Eastern Europe and Municipalism

14:50 - 15:20 Gagyi Ágnes: Eastern Europe

15:25 - 16:40 Municipalist Roundtable 

Topics: opportunities of policy-making on a municipal level, governing beside movements on EU periphery

Chair: Kelemen Ágnes, Szikra Mozgalom


  • Natalija Simovic, Do not Let Belgrade Down

  • Dr. Julian Manley, The Preston Model

  • Angelina Kussy, Barcelona en Comú

  • Szakács Lóránt, Demos

16:40 - 17:00 Break (20 minutes)

17:00 - 18:15 Parties of Eastern Europe Roundtable

Chair: Tóth Atilla


  • Maciej Konieczny, Razem (Poland)

  • Angelina Giannopoulou, Syriza/ΣΥΡΙΖΑ (Greece)

  • Vladimir Simovič, Partija radikalne levice/Партија радикалне левице (Serbia)

  • Katarzheuski Pavel, Belarusian Left Party

  • Trasciatti Attila, Táncsics Radikális Balpárt (Hungary)

  • Miha Kordis, Levica (Slovenia)

18:20 - 19:20 Debbie Bookchin: Democratic Confederalism in the West

19:25 - 20:05 Presentation of the New Edition of Eszmélet

  • Krausz Tamás: Why Socialism is - the Future?

  • Presentation of Volume 127-128, with a block about Rojava