Right government for the autonomous region of Andalusia

The change of Government in Andalusia has much more to do with the existential crisis that the Spanish State is going through, than with the concrete electoral proposals of the parties present in that region.

For the first time since the end of the dictatorship, the region of Andalusia, the largest and most populated region of the Iberian country, will be governed by a coalition of right parties, with parliamentary support from the emerging extreme right-wing Vox, which guarantees them the absolute majority.

The political-institutional agreement, announced this week, between the right-wing Popular Party (PP) and Ciudadanos (Cs), supported from outside by the far-right Vox, has resulted in the PP being appointed the Presidency of the Autonomous Government, while Cs got the Presidency of the regional Parliament. Vox will enter the legislative, being the last force in representation, to the detriment of the left coalition Adelante Andalusia.

In the electoral results an essential issue has been the vindication of the "sacred" unity of a reactionary, Catholic and deep Spain, in clear contrast to the process of independence of Catalonia and the proposal in the Basque Country of a new sovereign status. Catalan and Basque are two nationalities historical, with languages ​​and cultures of their own and which also contribute between the two almost 40% to the country's GDP.

It is necessary to emphasize that Center and Northern Spain contributes annually numerous financial funds that are destined to the regions of the South (Andalusia, Extremadura ...) that have the lowest economic-social indicators of the country and require of contributions by the central Government.

This Spanish key has become a kind of "political frontier" where the extreme right (which claims the fascist values ​​of the dictatorship of Genenal Franco) together to a more traditional right (PP and Cs), heir of the same legacy but in a more "correct" version, fight with an almost instinctive conjunction of the traditional left and the sovereignty claims, of Catalans and Basques in the north of the territory.

The change of Government in Andalusia has much more to do with the existential crisis that the Spanish State is going through, than with the concrete electoral proposals of the parties present in that region. Which is the reason why the new right-wing government appears as a clear symptom that the already serious Spanish political crisis is going to get even more complicated and will surely generate news of great interest in 2019.