Riseup4Rojava: Actions all over Europe
After the actions organised on Friday, the international campaign and platform Riseup4Rojava announced more demos for today.
After the actions organised on Friday, the international campaign and platform Riseup4Rojava announced more demos for today.
The international campaign and platform Riseup4Rojava has said in a declaration of solidarity with the resistance against the AKP’s seizure of HDP-run municipalities in Amed, Mardin and Van that it will organise actions throughout Europe at the weekend.
After the actions in many French cities, in Switzerland, the Basque country, today more actions are planned.
The Platform consists of over 40 organisations from 12 countries, including the CNT and CGT trade unions from Catalonia, the autonomous InfoAut network from Italy, Plan C from the UK and the Internationalist Commune of Rojava.
Demonstrations planned for today are as follows:
Berlin 3 pm Hbf
Bielefeld 3 pm Hbf
Dusseldorf 2 pm DGB Haus
Hamburg 3 pm Sternschanze Bf
Hildesheim 1 pm Hbf
Munchen 4 pm Sedlinger Str. 8
Stuttgart 3.30 pm Lautenschlagerstr.
Nurnberg 4 pm Lorenzkirche
Freiburg 6 pm Patz der alten Synagoge
Frankfurt 4 pm Hbf
Dresden 1 pm Altmarkt
Ertfurt 3 pm Hbf
Hildesheim 1 pm Hbf
Bremen 12 pm Ziegenmarkt
Graz 5 pm Herrengasse
Linz 3.30 pm Martin Luther Platz
Innsbruck 4 pm Annasaule
Basel 2 pm Dreirosenbrucke
Toronto 7 pm Yong St & Bloor st.
Athens 4 pm Syntagma Place
Brussels 11 am Carrefour de l'Europe