Rojava delegation continues official talks in Moscow

The Rojava delegation in Moscow met with Sergey Mironov, Head of the party 'A Just Russia'.

PYD Co-chair Asya Abdullah, Kobanê Canton Executive Council President Enver Muslim and PYD Representative for Russia Abdulselam Ali met with 'A Just Russia' Party Head Sergey Mironov, DUMA Foreign Committee Vice Chair Aleksey Çepa and Central Council Board Chair Aleksandır Romanovich at the DUMA party office.

Welcoming the Rojava delegation here, Sergey Mironov stated that Russia has undertaken an active role to overcome the crisis in Syria and is resolved on the fight against international terrorist organizations in the body of ISIS.

Asya Abdullah on behalf of the Rojava delegation emphasised that the positive relations between the Just Russia Party and the PYD will continue during the coming process.

During the meeting, the matters on the agenda of world politics, the Kurdish question and the Syrian crisis were discussed.