A Rojava Solidarity Committee has been established on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. The "Comitatu Corsica-Rojava" unites numerous civil society organisations under its roof and aims to make the Kurdish question better known in Corsica. On Thursday, the representatives of the Committee were received in the capital Ajaccio by Jean-Guy Talamoni, President of the Corsican Assembly. During the discussion, the committee declared that the Turkish state was aiming to destroy the self-governing regions of Northern and Eastern Syria and voiced its three basic demands:
- a no-fly zone over Rojava
- boycott of the Turkish economy.
- intervention by the UN and deployment of UN troops to protect the region.
The following organisations are involved in the committee: Per la Pace, Corsica Palestina, Corse In Fronte, PCF, PS, JC, Inseme a Manca/ ensemble à Gauche, UD CGT Corse du Sud, Utopia, L'Acellu di Corsica, Federazione Anarchica, Association des Travailleurs Tunisiens de Corse, A Macna, Squadra Technica, and 98 independent persons.
Corsica itself has a long history of fighting against French colonialism.