Saarbrucken, Bremen, Nurnberg and Vienna for Afrin
A press conference on the Turkish massacres in Afrin took place in Saarbrucken. Protest rallies were held in Bremen, Nurnberg and Vienna.
A press conference on the Turkish massacres in Afrin took place in Saarbrucken. Protest rallies were held in Bremen, Nurnberg and Vienna.
At a press conference in Saarbrucken, Kurds drew attention to the situation in Afrin. Dilan Akdoğan, co-chair of the local Kurdish association DKTM, accused the federal government of sharing responsibility for the war crimes committed by Turkey in Afrin due to continued arms exports. "As Kurds from the Saarland, we address our demands in particular to Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, who also lives in Saarland. International pressure must be built immediately to stop the inhuman attacks on Afrin."
After Akdoğan, Fikret Igrek, co-chairman of the Diaspora Council of Shengal, took the floor and explained the situation of Afrin-born Ezidis. Young people from Afrin reported on the situation of the civilian population in their homeland.
In Bremen, on the call of the Solidarity Committee Kurdistan, a rally was held against Turkey’s attacks on Afrin. The protest was supported by members of the Left Party and Antifa groups.
In Nurnberg, an information dossier was submitted to the mayor Ulrich Maly's office. At a rally in front of the city hall, the human rights crimes of the Turkish state were pointed out and the payment of another three billion euros by the EU to Turkey for alleged refugee aid was criticized. These funds would be used directly against the Kurds, said the activists, who also condemned German arms exports to Turkey.
In Vienna, a protest rally took place in front of the UN representation for the fourth consecutive day.