Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Mardin MP Prof. Dr. Mithat Sancar held a speech in Istanbul at the 'Vigil of Conscience and Justice', and evaluated the general state of affairs in the country.
Sancar stressed that the ruling system did not content itself with oppression and prohibitions, but keeps intensifying its evilness, and stated:
"We live in such a time where justice has died in Turkey. It is truly a sick humour and pure irony to speak here about justice. where the system has killed off justice. The only way to lend justice a meaning is the perseverance of the righteous people demanding it."
Naming oppression and prohibitions as basic characteristics of authoritarian systems, Sancar said:
"The last step of the transition into a fascist rule is made by the plunge into evilness. There hasn't ever been any authoritarian system which turned fascist just on its own accord. The very moment evilness and tyranny come to the fore and people get terrorized indiscriminately, it is clear that the ruling system has completely shifted into fascism, right from its core."
Sancar referred to the site of the vigil and said, "Just look around yourselves in this park, how thousands of policemen have encircled it with blockades. The only place which they left us is the old tree here in the park. Prohibitions and oppressions didn't satisfy them, now they bolster these with evilness."
HDP MP for Mardin stressed also the fear which the ruling system has, and said:
"What is it, that they are afraid of? The crimes they perpetrated, the injustice they committed and the nefariousness they displayed is uncountable. A ruling system which has amassed such a record is afraid of any little reaction coming from the people. Because they know very well they will be held accountable, and they can be sure we will. For that goal, we will coordinate with all forces which believe in democracy. Setting up tables and making official coalitions is far from what we need here. We will concentrate on creating a unity displayed on the streets and in parks, because as a society we can never bear such injustice and evilness."
Prof. Sancar finished his speech with the words, "Truth against the lies, justice against the oppression and terror, conscience against evilness. All of our friends are resisting in prisons against the oppression, all our friends are mounting resistance in all fields, so we too, let us come together and counter the fascism with our display of unflinching courage."