SDF told Russia of their concern about articles of the agreement
SDF General Commander Mazlum Abdi addressed the concerns about some articles of the agreement reached between Russia and Turkey.
SDF General Commander Mazlum Abdi addressed the concerns about some articles of the agreement reached between Russia and Turkey.
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) General Commander Mazlum Abdi issued a written statement about the meeting he had via videoconference with Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu and Chief of General Staff Valeriy Gerasimov.
SDF Commander Abdi discussed the 10-point agreement reached on 22 October by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Commander Abdi expressed his views on the agreement and underlined the need to end the war in the region and a human tragedy lived by civilians.
In addition, General Commander Mazlum Abdi expressed his concerns about some of the articles of the agreement and the need for dialogue in order to reach a consensus. ”