Second group of guerrillas reached Media Defense Area

Second group of guerrillas reached Media Defense Area

The second group of HPG (People's Defense Forces) guerrillas coming from the region of Botan has reached Media Defense Areas early in the morning on Wednesday.

The group, formed by 15 Kurdish guerrillas, has arrived in the guerrilla-controlled area accompanied by two messengers.

Speaking here to the press on behalf of the group,  Seyda Gabar and Sosin Alan reported a heavy activity from theTurkish military and village guards on their route. Gabar said the adverse weather conditions in the region have prolonged the time of their arrival to Media Defense Areas.

Gabar remarked that they were hopeful about the ongoing process in search of a peaceful and democratic solution to the Kurdish question, adding that they would till the very end abide by Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan's call for the replacement of arms with democratic politics.

The first group of guerrillas coming from Van had reached HGP-controlled Media Defense Areas on Tuesday. Cigerxwin Fırat said on behalf of the group that the reconnaissance flights and military activity in the region had made the group to reach Kandil in a week.