September 1 demo in Sydney: Peace will come with Öcalan

Demonstrators protested against the silence of international community and states on the crimes of the Turkish state.

Kurds and their friends took to the streets in Sydney, Australia to mark September 1, International Day of Peace.

During the demonstration promoted by the Democratic Kurdish Community Centre (DTKM) activists demanded freedom for Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan.

Speakers denounced the genocidal attacks and crimes committed by the Turkish state in various parts of Kurdistan.

Protesting against the silence of international community and states on the crimes of the Turkish state, demonstrators gave the message “Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan is the will of millions.”

Peter Boyle who spoke in the name of the Rojava Solidarity Group in Sydney, said; “What Öcalan means for the Kurds is the same as what Mandela means for the people of South Africa. Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan must be freed fort he achievement of peace and democracy.”

Poems written by children for Öcalan were also read during the demonstration.