Shattering the power of the AKP

While the news about the alliances formed or dissolved is constantly changing, it is an unchangeable fact that everyone wants to shape the game options with the Kurdish voices.

There is hardly a moment in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan when the elections are not being talked about. Alliances, relations, contradictions, slander, possibilities, predictions....

Everyone is focused on whether or not the fascist Erdoğan/Bahçeli power will collapse, discussing the why, the how and the what for. While the news about the alliances formed or dissolved is constantly changing, it is an unchangeable fact that everyone wants to shape the game options with the Kurdish voices.

There are countless comments, predictions and analyses about who the Kurds will or will not support and why. It is striking that not only experts, but really all of them make comments and predictions on the same topic.

This focus on the Kurdish vote is due to the fact that the Kurds are the main element of this geography. They are the most dynamic force and the determining factor. At the same time, they also play the main role in determining Turkey's destiny in the new century.

It was the same in the 20th century. It was the Kurdish reality that determined the fate. But this destiny was determined by the liquidation, genocide, assimilation and mass migration of the Kurds. Now that we are at a new crossroads, the question of how destiny is determined is back on the table.

The cards are laid on the table. Traitors, deceivers, collaborators and populists have become active. All are trying to figure out how to deceive and confuse the Kurdish people and turn their memory upside down.

What has not changed in the last hundred years is the incessant hatred, agitation and attacks against the Kurdish freedom movement, its components, society and individuals, as well as the suppression of the uprisings. Their enemies are trying to condemn the Kurds once again to the fate of the 20th century and to regain power through genocide.

The representatives of the middle way, the collaborators, traitors, populists, state and government supporters and the hypocrites who want to see women with a black veil over their faces give advice to the Kurds. But they are so obvious that every word uttered comes back to them like a boomerang. For the memories of the Kurds are strong and painful, and there are so many heroic deeds next to the chain of betrayal that everything now stands side by side like white and black.

Above all, they do not understand that the Kurdish question cannot be solved by the parliamentary elections of the Turkish state or by the election of the president. What will liberate the Kurds is their self-organisation, their social, political, military, diplomatic and cultural struggle based on self-determination.

All the things mentioned are only positions to achieve this goal.

The Kurdish question in Turkey will not be solved with the parliamentary system, the presidential system or any other system. Within all these systems, it will be the active and collective struggle of the Kurds that will solve the Kurdish question.

The place of the Kurds in Turkey's political reality will not be determined by this or that person, environment or group, but by their own will and their common collective interests. The attempts of the current government supporters to create confusion on this issue are at least as ugly as those who commit genocide and deny the Kurdish people.

The best answer one can give to those who praise the Erdogan government and call for its support is to point to the Erdogan/Bahçeli government's policy towards the Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan. It is the fascist AKP/MHP government, which has not allowed any contact with Öcalan for two years and has strictly isolated him for more than 24 years, which carries out all kinds of attacks against the Kurdish guerrillas and uses heinous chemical weapons.

So how come they are calling on the Kurds to keep this government alive? With what face, with what morals, in the name of what national values are they doing this? The fascist AKP/MHP government is the most refined form of the century-old Kurdish-hostile mentality. The attitude of this fascist bloc towards Abdullah Öcalan is the same as the attitude towards the Kurdish people.

They do not even allow Abdullah Öcalan to address a message to the Kurdish people, even after a two-year break. Neither his family nor lawyers can meet him. This means that Öcalan has not accepted the government's impositions. The fact that there is no contact with him shows the attitude that must be taken towards the fascist AKP/MHP power. The message is clear: this power must be destroyed.

Therefore, it should not be the agenda of the Kurds to discuss the respective alliances. Prioritising the question of whether or not the Kurds can get ministries and compressing the agenda around this question means confusing the fundamental with the secondary.

Of course, in legal parliamentary systems there are ministerial calculations and the calculation of coming to power. But as long as the focus is on the struggle for the freedom of a people, the concentration on the distribution of ministerial posts is definitely a distraction from the real agenda.

There is nothing more obvious than the fact that Kurds have no place in Turkish state thinking. This applies to the traditional Kemalist mentality and also to the nationalist-religious Erdogan/Bahceli alliance.

Therefore, it is a priority task to overthrow this government, which has been carrying out and institutionalising genocide in Kurdistan for 20 years, massacring Kurds with chemicals and trying to recruit Kurdish youth as informers and use them for prostitution and drug trafficking.

One should not be under the illusion that the government that will replace them will settle the Kurdish question with democratic methods, recognise the language, culture and existence of the Kurds and allow them to govern themselves. In the reality of Kurdistan, all this can only be made possible through an organised and conscious social struggle.

The parliament is only one position among many for the Kurds and the struggle for democracy. Its role and task must not be underestimated or overestimated, and it must not be compared with other positions. The strength of each position facilitates the work of the other positions and strengthens their hand.

In this regard, one should not be deceived by those who lament about ministries or other posts in the name of the Kurds. For they only know the status of posts and offices. As Kurdish elites, they have not paid a price and they are the ones who want to benefit from the tribute paid by the people.

The benchmark for the Kurds is how to deal with Abdullah Öcalan. Punishing those who take Öcalan's breath away is the most important task. During the elections, we can teach them a lesson together. Moreover, we should not spare a second for those who want to turn our heads and act as stooges of the AKP/MHP. It must be realised that they are even more dangerous and ugly than the current government.

To frustrate these groups is also to thwart the Turkish state's historic game of using Kurds against Kurds. Therein lies the historicity of the election for the Kurds. In this election, the Kurds must teach a lesson to both genocides and their petty-bourgeois lackeys and traitor networks.