Sherfeddin tomb under threat of ISIS attack

Sherfeddin tomb under threat of ISIS attack

A sacred place of the Yezidis, Sherfeddin tomb, is under the threat of attacks by the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham) gangs.

The ISIS gangs carried out an attack on the villages of Dahola and Buruk to the north of Sinjar. Clashes broke out between local militia who provide security in the region and the ISIS gangs. Following fierce clashes, Dahola and Buruk villages were captured by the ISIS gangs.

It is also reported that a group of Yezidis from the tribe of Kasım Şeşo was captured by the ISIS gangs.

According to information coming from local sources, after the ISIS gangs took control of the villages of Dahola and Buruk, the Serfeddin tomb, a sacred place of the Yezidis, is now under the threat of ISIS gang attacks. After the attacks by the ISIS gangs on 3 August, the HPG fighters evacuated the civilians to secure areas.