Six-year prison sentence for HDP MP Burcu Çelik

HDP MP Burcu Çelik Özkan has been sentenced to six years in prison.

Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Muş MP Burcu Çelik Özkan was jailed on April 19 in the scope of a lawsuit in which she stood trial for “membership to and spreading propaganda for a terrorist organisation” due to her remarks in a rally.

The third hearing in the case was held at Muş Heavy Penal Court on Friday. Özkan attended the hearing via video conferencing system SEGBİS, while her lawyers and DP deputies were present in the court hall.

Özkan stated that she has fought for peace all her life, and will continue her struggle to this end.

The court acquitted Burcu Çelik Özkan on charges of “membership to and spreading propaganda for a terrorist organisation” but ruled continuation of detention and sentenced her to six years in jail, defining her political works as “aiding and abetting a terrorist organisation”.

The lawyers will appeal against the court verdict.