Sixth Hamburg Kurdish Film Festival dedicated to Sakine, Fidan, Leyla

Sixth Hamburg Kurdish Film Festival dedicated to Sakine, Fidan, Leyla

The sixth Hamburg Kurdish Film Festival will kick off in the German city of Hamburg on 16 October.

The festival is dedicated to Sakine Cansız, a co-founder of PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party), Fidan Doğan, KNK (Kurdistan National Congress) Paris representative, and Leyla Şaylemez, member of the Kurdish youth movement, who were killed in the French capital Paris on 9 January 2013.

The festival which will run until 22 October is organized by Nujiyan Women Center and Kurdistan Students' Association (YXK).

13 Kurdish films and documentaries will be presented during the seven days Hamburg Kurdish Film Festival which will be taking place at the Kino 3001 on Schanzenstraße 75 in the district of Sternschanze.

The opening will be made at the Audimax lecture hall of the University of Hamburg with the film Mavi Ring -Blue Transporter- directed by Ömer Leventoğlu, and will also witness the Rojava-themed photograph exhibition by Veysi Altay and music performance by Şengül Pak.

Writer Anja Flach, activist of the Nujiyan Women Center and member of the festival's organization committee, said that the festival was aimed at opening a Kurdistan view window for cinema lovers in Hamburg.

Remarking that Kurdish directors have shot numerous movies and documentaries in recent years despite the repression imposed on the Kurdish culture and language, Flach said this achievement should be seen as the result of the struggle Kurds have been giving for years now.

Flach said that most of the films to be presented at this year's festival handled the war reality in Kurdistan, adding that they considered Kurdish directors' desire to share their works as a promising step towards making utopias real.

Flach noted that the festival revenue will be conveyed to the ongoing aid campaign for Rojava.

The films to be presented at the festival also include Qêrin, Faîlî Dewlet, Oxir Bê Birayê Min, Dengê Derî, Asya, Bekas, Ezman, Delikanlım İyi Bak Yıldızlara, Salpa, Qapsûl, Min Rastî Nivîsand – Deftera Lîceyê, Xal u Xwarzê and Buka Baranê.