Slovenian PM set to further militarised border with Croacia
Slovenian Prime Minister Marjan Sarec announced he has decided to increase police and military presence along the border with Croatia.
Slovenian Prime Minister Marjan Sarec announced he has decided to increase police and military presence along the border with Croatia.
"We never said there wasn't any problem with migrants," said Sarec during an inspection visit on Monday along the southern border in the town of Ilirska Bistrica, together with Interior Minister Boštjan Poklukar and police general director Tatjan Bobnar.
Sarec didn't specify the number of additional agents that will be sent to patrol the borders, but said security forces will be equipped with technical equipment such as drones.
He said the possibility of strengthening fences and physical barriers will be evaluated where necessary.
A barbed wire fence stretches along some parts of the border between Slovenia and Croatia, but illegal crossings have doubled since the time of Poklukar's first visit and he said this is "unacceptable for us".
A government statement in line with expectations over border protection said the government has allocated significant financial resources to the Slovenian police and will continue to do so in the future.
It said collaboration with the local community must move forward without political rhetoric taking over.