Solidarity rally with political prisoners in Stuttgart
While the trial against one Kurdish woman and four men continued in Stuttgart, a solidarity rally for the prisoners took place in front of the court.
While the trial against one Kurdish woman and four men continued in Stuttgart, a solidarity rally for the prisoners took place in front of the court.
In Stuttgart, five Kurdish activists are on trial for “support” or “membership” of the PKK under Paragraph 129b. The 60th day of the trial against the accused activists Veysel S., Agit K., Özkan T., Cihan A. and Evrim A. took place on Thursday.
Veysel S., Agit K. and Özkan T. are imprisoned in Stuttgart-Stammheim prison. The other two defendants had previously been released from custody. While the court was in session, people gathered outside the judicial building to protest for the freedom of the criminalized Kurds. The rally was organised by the FCK (Federasyona Civakên Kurdistaniyên li BWB û Bayern), the Democratic Kurdish Society Center and the left-wing migrant federation AGIF.
The activists carried banners and chanted slogans to call for the prisoners to be released. Speakers pointed out that the "scandal proceedings against Kurds in Stuttgart, Hamburg, Celle and Berlin, as well as the proceedings against the TKP / ML in Munich and the processes against the DHKP-C are in direct connection with the Arms Exports and the Economic Relations between Germany and Turkey. In this way Germany supports the fascist dictatorship”.
The protesters demanded the repeal of paragraphs 129a / b and the end of political persecution.