South Kurdistan MPs visit KNK in Brussels

South Kurdistan MPs visit KNK in Brussels

A delegation from the South Kurdistan Parliament has met the KNK (Kurdistan National Congress) executives in Brussels.

The South Kurdistan delegation is in the Belgium capital Brussels to have talks in the presence of the European Union.

The delegation led by deputy speaker Jaffar Ibrahim Emînkî includes Secretary General Faqredîn Qadir, South Kurdistan Representative for EU Dîlawer Ajneyî, as well as representatives of the Yekirtû, Komalê İslamî, Assyrian-Syriac, Turkmenian and Communist Party.

The South Kurdistan delegation was welcomed by KNK Co-President Tahir Kemalîzade, KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Member Zübeyir Aydar, PJAK (Party for Free Life in Kurdistan) President Heci Ehmedi.

The meeting witnessed talks putting emphasis on the importance of improving relations between KNK and the South Kurdistan Parliament, of the establishment of joint defense against ISIS and similar attacks and unity under the roof of national congress.

Speaking here, KNK Co-President Tahir Kemalîzade said that; “This is the first time Kurds have got so close to each other at all levels in their history. This is a political consequence of the unity of defense formed in Sinjar, South Kurdistan and Kobanê.” Kemalîzade added that they deemed the visit of a delegation from the South Kurdistan Parliament in this process important.