Support for HDP and Kurdish people from the Philippines parliament

MAKABAYAN, the group of leftist parties in the Philippines House of Representatives, strongly condemned the fascist attacks on HDP and called upon all defenders of human rights and democracy to stand with the Kurds.

In the statement made in the name of MAKABAYAN (The Patriotic Coalition - Makabayang Koalisyon ng Mamamayan), the group of leftist parties in the Philippines House of Representatives, the fascist attacks on the HDP were strongly condemned and all defenders of human rights and democracy were called on to stand with the Kurds.

The MAKABAYAN statement emphasized support for the Kurds’ right to self-determination and struggle for democracy, and stated that the arrests are part of the attacks by Tayyip Erdoğan and the Turkish state on the rights of Kurds.

The statement expressed that Erdoğan attacked peoples fighting for their rights with every fascist method imaginable, instead of fighting ISIS gangs and that the MAKABAYAN members faced similar accusations in the past.

The statement mentioned that the Supreme Court had decreed the accusations parliamentarians from MAKABAYAN faced in 2006 to be “baseless allegations” in 2007.

The statement also expressed that the Kurds were in need of support due to intense oppression from Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran and underlined that the Kurds’ struggle was part of the struggle of all peoples in the world. The statement condemned Turkey’s oppression, attacking Kurds violently with support from imperialist powers, and emphasized that freedom and human rights defenders everywhere should not allow this to happen.

MAKABAYAN members who signed the statement calling for freedom to all Kurdish political prisoners and support for the Kurds’ right to self-determination are from the following political parties:

Rep. Carlos Isagani T. Zarate (Bayan Muna Partylist) , Rep. Emmi A. De Jesus, Rep. Arlene D. Brosas (Gabrieale Women’s Party),  Rep. Antonio L. Tinio, Rep. France L. Castro (ACT Teachers Partylist), Gabriela Women’s Party, Rep. Ariel B. Casilao (Anakpawis Partylist), Rep. Sarah Jane I. Elago (Kabataan Partylist).