Support for HDP and warning to AKP from Uruguay
A message of solidarity with HDP under political genocidal attacks by AKP was issued from Uruguay.
A message of solidarity with HDP under political genocidal attacks by AKP was issued from Uruguay.
Uruguay Eastern Republic Parliament Women’s Assembly and the governing Frente Amplio Political Desk issued a declaration on the attacks on HDP.
The declaration pointed out Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan violated HDP’s and the people’s political rights with antidemocratic attacks and also mentioned the pressure on the free press.
The Frente Amplio Political Desk underlined that they would be in solidarity with HDP and all groups in Turkey suffering from tyranny and demanded Europe and democratic powers to raise their voice against the AKP.
The Women’s Assembly said: “We declare our strong and absolute solidarity with the members of parliament from HDP. We call on all democratic forces in our country to act now. In situations where democratic rights are violated, in all areas you attend to defend these rights, act now.”
The parliament’s declaration called on the Turkish government to secure the unlimited protection of the seperation of powers principle as required by being a democratic state.