Support for participation of Kurdish Supreme Council to Geneva II
Support for participation of Kurdish Supreme Council to Geneva II
Support for participation of Kurdish Supreme Council to Geneva II
In a press release the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) said it supports the international attempts to find a solution to the conflict in Syria which has been ongoing for more than two years and has caused the deaths of thousands of people, turned millions of civilians into refugees and is ruining the entire country.
The KNK said it hoped "the forthcoming conference of Geneva II will result in a lasting and peaceful solution in Syria, where today a human tragedy is being experienced".
At the level of international politics, reminded the KNK "there has been significant progress in resolving the conflict in Syria. In terms of finding a democratic solution, the conference of Geneva II will be very important for us. To achieve the stability and reconciliation that are essential for securing peace at the Geneva Conference II, it is vital to include the participation of representatives of the free Kurdish people".
The KNK has circulated an appeal which was signed by many political parties in South Kurdistan. The signed appeal letter was sent to the UN, the USA, the EU member states, the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, the Arab States as well as Iran.
The summary of the letter is as follows:
We, as Kurdish political parties in the Southern region of Kurdistan (the KRG) which undersign this letter, demand the participation of the Kurdish Supreme Council (Desteya Bilind a Kurd) in the conference of Geneva II by receiving a delegation of representatives of the Kurdish people in Syria.
As is widely known the Kurdish Supreme Council was established under the auspices of the Kurdistan Region Presidency last year. We believe that the lack of any Kurdish representation at this important international conference, which directly concerns the future of the Kurds, will achieve the exact opposite of the peaceful solution that is intended to be the aim of Geneva II. We therefore have no doubt that you will carry out your duties in this regard and we thank you in advance for your support.”
And it was signed by Kurdistan National Congress, Kongreya Neteweyî ya Kurdîstanê; Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Yekîtiya Niştimanî ya Kurdistanê; Gorran – Bizûtinewey Gorran; Kurdistan Islamic Union, Yekgirtûy Îslamiy Kurdistan; Kurdistan Communist Party, Hîzbî Şuî Kurdîstan - Iraq.