Supreme Kurdish Council to inquire into Azadi Party

Supreme Kurdish Council to inquire into Azadi Party

Members of the Supreme Kurdish Council gathered six months later in the Qamislo city, which is counted as the capital of western Kurdistan, on September 4, Wednesday evening.

The meeting was attended by Ehmed Sileman, Feysel Yusuf, İsmail Heme, Suud Mele and Beşar Emin representing the Syrian Kurdish National Council (Encumena Nîþtîmanî ya Kurdî li Sûriyeyê-ENKS), and Aldar Xelil, İlham Ehmed Sinem Mihemed and Ebdulselam Ehmed representing the People's Assembly of Western Kurdistan (NGRK), one other constituent of the Supreme Kurdish Council. PYD (Democratic Union Party) leader Saleh Muslim didn't attend the meeting for being on a visit outside the country.

Speaking after the meeting which was held closed to press, Council member Ehmed Sileman said that the meeting handled the current situation in Syria and western Kurdistan, and the attitude Kurdish forces will display in the face of a possible military action in Syria.

Sileman noted that they also discussed the participation of Kurds in the second Geneva meeting.

In the meeting -said Sileman- attendees also discussed and approved the interim administration project the PYD has recently presented.

Sileman remarked that they also came up with a solution to the problems with Azadi Party which he said- was one of the basic reasons why the Council has held no meeting in the last six months. Sileman said they would form an investigation committee to inquire into the allegations that the Azadi Party is involved in armed gang groups' attacks on civilians in the regions of Aleppo and Afrin.

Mustafa Cummaa, who is accused of acting in unity with al-Qaeda affiliated groups and the Turkish intelligence, is currently being guarded in Federal Kurdistan Region.

According to the reports, the Supreme Kurdish Council will be holding its meetings on a regular basis from now on.