Surprise outcome in the Iraqi elections
There are some surprise outcomes in the parliamentary elections held on May 12 in Iraq. Two lists that campaigned against the current system are in the lead according to preliminary results.
There are some surprise outcomes in the parliamentary elections held on May 12 in Iraq. Two lists that campaigned against the current system are in the lead according to preliminary results.
The Sairun/Revolutionaries Movement alliance formed by the Shia leader Muktada Sadr and the communists over corruption came in first in 6 of the 18 states, and second in 4. Baghdad the capital is among the regions the alliance is in the lead.
Former militia force Hashd-i Shaabi’s Fetih (Conquest) List is in the first place in four states, and second in eight states.
Prime Minister Haydar al Abadi’s list supported by the international community did not come in first in any state except for Ninova. At first, many political officials argued that the Prime Minister’s list was in the lead and that they would win 60 seats. There is a chance for the announced results to change, as they don’t include the some 700.000 votes cast by the security forces members and some 1 million voters abroad.
Participation in these elections was at a record low, announced at 44.52%, making the elections the ones with the lowest attendance since 2003 when the Saddam regime was toppled.