Swiss elected officials visit the sit-in in Strasbourg

City council members from Biel, Switzerland have visited the sit-in in front of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) in Strasbourg demanding an urgent visit to Öcalan today and offered their support.

The sit-in in front of the Council of Europe (CoE) and the CPT has left behind 19 days, and Biel City Council Members Sonja Gurtner and Roland Gurtner visited participants of the action.

Swiss elected officials said they were informed about the sit-in in the Kurdish Society Center in Biel and decided to visit Strasbourg.

Biel City Council members said they have been in solidarity and dialogue with Kurdish acivists and women for 20 years and added: “We believe that the Kurdish people will prevail by defending Öcalan and continuing their struggle in hope. And we have complete faith that in the end the Kurdish people will succeed and gather all the fruits of these efforts.”

Sonja and Roland Gurtner later answered questions from Kurds and said they were proud to join them and that they have great respect for their struggle.