Swiss parliament discusses Turkish use of chemical weapons and attacks on Rojava

The Swiss parliament debated over three parliamentary questions concerning the chemical attacks of the Turkish state against the guerrilla forces, Turkey’s invasion attacks against Rojava and the popular protests in Iran.

The Turkish attacks on Rojava, the use of chemical weapons against the guerrilla troops, the arrest of Şebnem Korur Fincancı, the head of the Turkish Medical Association, and the Iranian state's crackdown on the Kurds were brought up at the parliament of Switzerland. The debate took place following the parliamentary questions submitted by Green Party Federal Parliament Member and the Green Party’s Foreign Relations Spokesperson Nicolas Walder, Left Party Federal Parliament Member Fehlmann Rielle Laurence and the United Left (Groupe des VERT-E-S) Federal Parliament Member Prezioso Batou Stefania.


Nicolas Walder submitted three parliamentary questions, the first of which concerned the arrest of Şebnem Korur Fincancı by the Erdoğan government.

“Şebnem Korur Fincancı, a well-known forensic medicine specialist, head of the Medical Association and a board member of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TIHV), was arrested in Istanbul on October 22 for political reasons. Her relatives and human rights activists are worried about the conditions of her detention.

1- Did the Federal Council take any steps for her release?

2- If so, what are they?

3- If not, why?”


Nicolas Walder and Fehlmann Rielle Laurence brought up the Turkish attacks against Rojava, stating:

“Since November 22, dozens of regions in northern Syria (Rojava) and northern Iraq (southern Kurdistan) have been bombed by the Turkish army in violation of international law. These attacks lead to huge casualties and amount to an ethnic cleansing in northern Syria.”

Walder asked how the Federal Parliament treated these attacks.

The question by Fehlmann Rielle Laurence reads:

“The Turkish Air Force launched a new wave of attacks on north-eastern Syria and northern Iraq on November 22. The aim is to weaken the Rojava autonomous region governed by the Kurds. Civilians and civil infrastructure have been targeted.

-What official steps has the Federal Parliament taken to remind the Turkish authorities of the principles of international law?

- Can we forget the fact that the Kurds in the region contributed to the defeat of ISIS?

-Will the Turkish attacks not encourage a resurgence of the jihadist group?

- Will Switzerland remain silent?


Nicolas Walder also brought up the reports that the Turkish state has been using chemical weapons against the Kurdish guerrillas.

“According to various reports, the Turkish state has been using banned chemical agents in North Iraq for months. The International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) published a report on Turkey's use of chemical weapons in Kurdistan and demanded an international investigation into the use of these weapons in North Iraq.

- What is Switzerland's stance toward this demand?

- Will Switzerland endorse this demand before the UN bodies?


Prezioso Batou Stefania called attention to the popular resistance and attacks of the state forces in Iran.

“For the past few weeks, Iran has been shaken by popular mass protests led by women fighting for their rights. The regime's brutal response has resulted in hundreds of demonstrators killed, thousands injured, more than 20,000 arrested, tortured and raped. Given Switzerland's role in defending the most basic human rights, does the Federal Council consider summoning the Tehran Ambassador for consultation?”